Friday 1 July 2016

Choosing the right carpet for you

Choosing the right carpet for your chosen room is an important decision, the right choice can add a warm flare to an otherwise cold room or add the feeling of more brightness to a normally dark space, in fact it can even make a room safer for the little ones to run and play.

Because of the various possibilities carpets present, they are becoming increasingly available in more and more colours, materials and designs which can make the choice of buying one difficult at times.

Don’t worry though, we are here to lend a hand.

Which room will the carpet be in?

Considering what a major investment buying a carpet is, you will definitely need to know what room you will be wanting to put it in and the way that room will be used will also affect your choice.

For example a carpet for a living room will be under much more pressure and everyday use than say a master or spare bedroom which you could easily get away with having a lavish carpet in, are there going to be lots of kids using the room who are prone to falling down and injuring themselves. These are all things you will need to consider before even thinking about your carpet choices.

The maintenance factor

Now you’ve decided what room the carpet will be used for and how it will be getting used, it now time to think about the maintenance of it.

So it’s pretty apparent that your carpet will need to maintained over time and if you know it will be facing large amounts of foot traffic or the kids will be using it as the main play room then it’s almost certain you should go for a easy to maintain one.

As there are a lot of different materials to choose, the easiest way to go about finding out how a carpet will need to be maintained is to simply ask a salesperson when purchasing your carpet, any reputable salesperson will be able to provide you with the information that you need.

As a general rule though, textured types tend to be best for resilience and not showing up footprints but as mentioned always get advice, there might be factors that you have not taken in to account.

Extra Help

We all need a helping hand from time to time so if you do want any more advice or information on choosing your perfect carpet, then please give us a call on 0115 9258347 or email us at where a member of staff will be only happy to assist.